
I wouldn't mind being a housewife.

I wouldn't mind being a housewife.

Or rather, I wouldn't mind not having a job but living off of my artwork. That'd be grand. I think that is every artist's dream.

So I wouldn't mind being a houswife but still having the time to work on my art and photography. It'd be amazing.

Life has become so strange lately. I do nothing all day. I don't work (though I wish I did have a source of income). I have school once a week. I am a bum.

Everyone around me is having a baby. I want a baby too.


yvonne said...

me too!!!

AmErika said...

I agree.

being a housewife sounds spiffy.

& ever since my nephew was born...I want a baby too!!!!

*sigh* i'm being patient. =/