
A dream I had.

I dreamt that we were lying in bed together. You laid your head on my chest and wanted to hold my hand. I freaked out. You made me laugh by putting colored pencils in your hands. And we laid together as we held hands.

It was beautiful.

I don't know why I dream of you like this. I wish I wouldn't. Its that much harder to get over you.



Berrenduhh said...

Why would I put colored pencils in my hands?...

Anonymous said...

I know, I hate dreams like that.

I wake up super pissed then it settles to warmth....only to ruin the day ahead that hasnt even started.

I guess the worse part is that, theres no one to get mad at but your subconsciousness....

Sylvia Sweetheart said...

I absolutely love dreams like this. Where everything is so real and painfully blissful. Waking up from one is always so awkward, especially if you see the person that day

But I agree; they make moving on that much more difficult