
Future Glasses...

These are my future glasses. I purchased them earlier at Eyemaster's. I won't get them until sometime next week.

I think they're lovely.

In other news, I've purchased my photography supplies (FINALLY)! I've also purchased some theater make-up to use.

In other other news, I don't know if I'm going to make this blog private or not. I guess I'll decide later.

In a few hours, about 6, I'll be heading to Houston to a Renaissance Faire! Awesome! It should be fun. I am heading out with Anna, Erika and Desiree. Should be great, but then again, I'm extremely emotional lately so I hope I don't become a sourpuss.


Unknown said...

houston renaissaince? sweet

AmErika said...

I really like your new glasses :)

& fyi...you haven't been a sourpuss one bit the entire trip!. I'm having an awesome time! wheeeeeeee!