
Microdermal Piercings

This is the exact piercing that I want. Exactly that one! I think its a sign that I should get it since its the very first picture that came up when I google-imaged "microdermal piercing."

I absolutely love the way it looks. Even on me. How do I know? Well I tried on a stick-on rhinestone that Desi had for decorating stuff and stuck it on there. It looked great! I think I might have snapped a photo with my phone.

I really want to get some new piercings in. I want to do the tragus on each of my ears next. And maybe one on my right ear on the upper cartilage. I'd want to get a tattoo soon. But that will probably wait for another year or two. As soon as I can afford the dough.


Deoxyribonucleic Anna said...

That looks PAINFUL.

Berrenduhh said...

I'm putting money aside and getting a tat as soon and I get a clear vision of what I really want. :]