
Where has (my) faith gone?

I think my mom is having money problems. There hasn't been much business coming in. I think she's worried about not being able to take care of things around here, and I know she really wants to see my nephew in Iowa.

I wish there was something I could do. I'm trying to find a job somewhere, anywhere, to help out with money but I've been unlucky.

I have a theory, but I believe it to be more fact, that God hates me and my family.

About two weeks after my brother died, my mom forgot her purse in a cart at HEB. She had $900 dollars in her wallet. Some bitch took the money.

Cesar said he was in one of his classes and some girl raised her hand to say that her mom once found a purse at HEB in a cart. She opened the wallet to see if she knew the person. She didn't, of course, but took the money, $900 dollars. I'm not sure it was her, but chances are slim that it wasn't her.

I don't see justice. I don't see God restoring things to my family. Things just get worse.

I don't have much faith anymore. I'd like to believe that God truly loves, but its hard to when its all going to shit. I know people always recount the story of Job when I tell them how I feel, but I'm not Job.


AmErika said...

You're right. You're not Job, You're adriana. & God does love you. Just wait it out. Be strong. I know you are.

Remember faith is believing when you can't see. If you see nothing...believe anyway. God is still good. :)

Love you friend.

Anonymous said...

I personally, only till recently, have been bothered with the fact that the Christian God is a "jealous God" Jealousy is a really really nasty form and especially in the hands of someone who can control everything......or it would seem.

but its kinda unfair and moreover....childish.

[to be honest]

with god wanting abraham to kill [murder] is own son cz He was jealous and how John was the freggin man when it came to chrisitans, but God still gave him a thorn in his side [handicap] when all his life all he had done is serve god, but could even be a little on top...no.

plus I got tired of the endless and u-turn answer of "its gods plan"

anyone could argue any of these points but....still end in not knowing everything cz they're "mysteries"

Id rather base things on that which I do know and can see whats happening around me.

GONE said...

I understand.

Seems like I wouldn't, thoguh, since I haven't seen you or talked to you in practically forever. But truth is this: my life is at its most difficult, stressful, and painful moment right now. I'm going through changes left and right, and it feels like the floor is being shaken under my feet and its scary as heck.

So I understand.

And yea, neither of us is Job,... but I think that we should hold on anyways. Maybe I'm not the best person to tell you this, but just hold on to God. He really does love you. He really does.