
Oh dreams

I had a horrible dream the other day. I was napping in the evening. I had been very tired from working on the prints for my exhibition. I hadn't slept much the night before so I felt like taking a nap.

I don't know if it is just me, but naps can be very confusing when you wake up, especially as the sun is setting. I woke up in a daze, absolutely confused. I had been dreaming, and was reflecting back on my dream... actually I thought my dream was real.

My dream: I don't remember much, other than it was my brothers and I, and my dad. We were going on a trip together.

It wasn't an intense, or overly-symbolic dream, but I wish it was real. I still wish it was real.

I wish I had both my brothers with me.

I haven't been able to talk to anyone about how much it still bothers me. I don't want to burden anyone, but I wish there was someone to talk to, or at least someone to hold me and say it's ok, or say nothing at all.


You're Everyone Else...

I'm completely in love with mewithoutYou as a band. Seriously. Their music just brings about such great emotional feeling. I don't know what emotion, but its great. Its a mixture between peace, love, nostalgia, excitement and addiction.

I am really glad I got to see them 4 times this summer. It was a great road trip. Completely worth the hours of driving and wrong turns.

I don't know why I'm blogging right now. I think I just wanted to write that.

Oh, and also, FUCK YOU HORMONES!

That is all.