

I had a weird dream last night.

I was hanging out with a boy I used to have feelings for. We were driving around in his truck and he was telling me how he had just gotten out of rehab for being addicted to some sort of prescription drug. We were driving around downtown in a bigger city and we drove by a cafe or bar that Phillip Seymour Hoffman owned and I yelled out "Hey its Phillip Seymour Hoffman!" So we got down to go to the cafe. And Mr. Hoffman ended up liking me and the boy I was with got jealous.

Later we went back to hi house. His siblings told me they had always wanted him to be with me. I suppose they really liked me.

Somehow later in the dream we ended up staying together and then we were vampires... Yes, I know... Vampires. I don't remember how we ended up being vampires but we were in love.

Then we went back to the cafe and for some reason we were in a riot.

I don't remember everything else.

Just a weird dream.


Berrenduhh said...

"Hey its Phillip Seymour Hoffman!"

AmErika said...

In a riot, ehh? A RA RA Riot?? ;)