
Those Awkward Moments...

Its been a little over nine months since my brother passed away. Few people who knew him still haven't found out so those moments when I happen to bump into them and they ask about him always make for an awkward moment.

Earlier today I was walking to my car when I saw this guy I had met over a year ago in my Art History Survey I course. He knew my brother somewhat. He asked me if he was still doing the film club and I had to tell him he died. And its just an awkward moment, especially since I don't really know the guy. I wish I didn't have to tell him the unfortunate news, since it is both awkward and brings up painful thoughts.

I don't know how many more times it will happen. Its only happened once before.

I think the best dreams that I dream are the ones where Rudy comes out. Its nothing significant, but it makes it seem like he's still here.

1 comment:

Berrenduhh said...

I have dreams of my dad sometime...
And I feel like I should wake up sad, but I wake up feeling like, "It was good to see dad last night."