
Where can I speak my mind without judgement...

No where. Blogger at least doesn't reach everyone.

I thought about going to Kansas City to IHOP to help my spirituality, but in truth, my relationship with God is dead... in fact, I believe I'm an atheist only pretending to believe so I could belong. But I don't belong. My friends are nowhere to be found. Seems I was only a last resort for most, but now that they've found new friends or made reconciliations with old friends, I am given the boot.

I haven't left my house since Wednesday night... going on 4 days tomorrow, but I have to go out tomorrow, not because I want to, but because I have to. I have to go work on printmaking projects that are due Tuesday.

I wish I could just leave, at least then there'd be damn good reason as to why I'm so alone...

Oh GOD! Just 9 months to go before I'm finally done with school and able to leave this hot shithole full of assholes. I'll be counting down the days. I just have to decide where to go. I'm probably leading towards the DFW area or maybe farther... like Seattle or Minneaopolis.

So what now? Just have to battle this depression and fight off thoughts of suicide enough to make it through until December. And if life is still shit after I leave, maybe I should just off myself.

1 comment:

Berrenduhh said...

Truth be told, I've been wanting to hang out with you, but you were always too busy for me.